The KNB assists notaries and deputy (civil law) notaries in their day-to-day practice by providing a wide range of services.
Courses and training sessions
Notaries and deputy (civil law) notaries are obliged by law to keep their professional knowledge up to date throughout their career (permanent education). Under the Promotion of Professional Skills Regulation each notary (and each deputy (civil law) notary with more than three years’ experience) must achieve a given number of credits each year. The KNB registers these credits and lays on an extensive professional training programme. In addition it assesses the courses given by other organisations and contributes to the postgraduate continuing education programme for notaries and deputy (civil law) notaries and the course for notarial staff.
Dispute mediation
If a notary or deputy (civil law) notary receives a complaint from a client and the matter cannot be resolved through directly between them, an attempt can be made with the help of the KNB to reach a solution. Such a procedure takes the form of a written exchange of positions, under the supervision of the KNB.
The KNB has a closed 'extranet' that is accessible only to its members. The site provides them with information that is essential for their day-to-day work and good professional practice. Besides news, the site provides an explanation of the Notaries Act and contains model contracts and forms, a forum, relevant links and contact data of the members.
To avoid financial risks notaries must have sufficient insurance against professional liability, general statutory liability and other risks of a personal nature. The KNB has taken out group insurance that provides cover for the entire notarial profession. In addition, it has concluded framework agreements for various other forms of personal risk insurance in which notary’s offices can participate.