Often, people who enter into financial obligations may not appreciate the scope of their commitments. It is then time to call in an expert: the notary or deputy (civil law) notary. He provides advice and arranges for his client’s affairs to be properly regulated in law.
Drawing up notarial acts
The most important task of notaries and deputy (civil law) notaries is to record agreements in notarial acts, to keep the acts and to issue copies of them to the persons concerned.
Updating registers
However, drawing up a notarial act is not the end of the matter for the notary or deputy (civil law) notary. He must also take responsibility for the activities that result directly or indirectly from the execution of the act. For example, he must arrange for the updating of the registers of immovable property, marriage contracts, public and private companies, foundations and cooperatives.
Providing advice
Notaries and deputy (civil law) notaries are also legal advisers. They preside over the discussions that precede the signing of a notarial act. In doing so, they weigh the interests of all concerned and seek to strike a balance in the advice they give.